Nick Halmasy has over a decade in the fire service, currently serving with Selwyn Fire Department in Peterborough County. He spent the majority of that time as a Fire Instructor and sat on various committees within the fire service.  He has completed a Master's of Arts in Counselling and is a Registered Psychotherapist.

After the Call is the culmination of his passion for First Responders and Mental Health Awareness. Nick takes an holistic approach to First Responder Mental Wellness and pushes back against the idea that PTSD is the only disorder to wreak havoc among this population. Nick understands that the level of stress and pressure felt by those in this field will be experienced in a multitude of ways; not simply ending with a PTSD diagnosis. Nick often offers contrarian ideals to the current mental wellness atmosphere and works hard to correct and eliminate inaccurate information that is widely spread from media and other sources. Nick is open to starting conversations and offering input that is novel and strives to offer "not another boring mental wellness training".

Nick brings to the field not just experience as a First Responder, but also as a clinical practitioner with experience in a wide range of clinical settings including: crisis settings, hospital settings, and within the addiction sector. Nick currently works full time as a therapist with a Mental Health hospital. Nick also runs a small, private therapy practice for First Responders in Peterborough. 

Nick has written a book to help First Responders and their families begin conversations about mental wellness. Nick has presented extensively on the topic of First Responder Mental Wellness. In addition, Nick offers personalized programming and workshops for First Responders to help them close the gaps within their departments.

Nick is a co-founder and Clinical Director of the After The Call's CISM team branch.



Nick is published in the world’s leading Firefighting Publications including:

Utah Valley State University's Straight Tip Magazine
International Firefighter
Fire Engineering
Canadian Firefighter
Firefighting in Canada
Fire Chief
Uniform Stories

Nick is the Mental Health Expert for Firefighting In Canada

Nick is a Mental Wellness contributing author to Leatherhead Mafia - firefighting website.

Nick has also been featured on the Mental Health Warriors Podcast:

Rescue the Rescuer Podcast:

The Essence Podcast (4 Part Series):

Firefighter Wellness Radio (Interview with Nick starts at 1:40:00)

Nick has offered consulting services at various departments in Northumberland, Peterborough and surrounding counties. 

And has presented at a Badge of Life Canada conference in London Ontario:
On After The Call

At the Northumberland Counties Bridging the Gap for Service providers as well as Bridging the Gap for front-line staff conferences.

On Addictions and First Responders

Follow him on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/afterthecall1/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/afterthecallMH

Contacting us is encouraged!

To contact us, click HERE or direct emails to: nhalmasy@afterthecall.org


The sole purpose of this site is to offer FREE tools to develop mental wellness in First Responders. Through our presentations, consultations, and articles we hope to raise not just awareness, but provide those in the services TOOLS to develop resiliency and mitigate mental harm.

By starting this conversation, STIGMA and JUDGEMENT will be a thing of the past! After all, it's not what we see, but what we DO with what we see.


If there are any questions, comments, or requests for information from areas not covered on this site, feel free to contact us. We will do our best to provide you with current, correct information as fast as we can!

If this is an emergency, call 9-1-1 or go to your local hospital.